Wednesday, September 28, 2011

*.* smile *.*

When you think

you've tried everything and don't know where to turn,

Allah has a solution.

When nothing makes sense

and you are confused or frustated,

Allah has the answer.



Patience is not about how long one can wait,

but how well one behave while waiting


you are amazing

Kill them with KINDNESS

Praying for those who love you, that's sincerity

Praying for those who hurt you, that's maturity

Allah hears you,

Just be patient


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


You can never look ugly

~ when your personality is so BEAUTIFUL ~



When a little thing angers you,

it's an indication of how little patience you have.

Know that the reward for patience is greater than any little or big thing that may anger you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

be patient

~ Be patient ~

Good things come to those who wait



Jika Sesuatu itu milik kita

Sesulit apapun jalannya

Apapun rintangannya..

Pasti akan jadi milik kita

Kerna memang untuk kita..

Tapi, jika sesuatu itu

bukan milik kita..

Walaupun mudah jalannya

Walaupun bersusah payah

Kita ingin mendapatkannya

Tidak akan pernah jadi milik kita..

Kerna memang bukan untuk kita.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Be PoSiTivE+++~

If u are anti-war, be pro-peace intstead.

if u are anti hunger, be pro people having more than enough to eat.

if u are anti a pariticular politician, be pro his opponent. - the secret


Sunday, September 18, 2011

There's never a No

Allah SWT always has 3 replies for our prayers.


Yes, but not now,

I have a better plan for you.

There's never a N0.

Setiap kali kita memohon sesuatu daripada Allah, ingatlah bahawa Allah tidak akan sama sekali Allah membalas dengan Tidak.

Ingatlah juga bahawa Allah akan memberi sesuatu yang diperlukan oleh hambaNya bukan sesuatu yang kita inginkan.

(= Bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. Keep praying =)
---> to myself

from mushroom:

Don't be so quick to judge,

you never know when you might just find yourself walking,

in that person's shoes.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dont be sad

Dont be sad.

You'll see that one day

everything is going to be just fine.

Don't Give up and try your best.

Allah will always be with you.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Jadilah wanita yang bahagia

anda akan

kebahagiaan hakiki


bintang bintang

Jadilah diri anda lebih lembut

daripada tiupan angin yang sepoi sepoi

dan lebih tinggi cita - citanya di dunia

~ daripada bintang di langit ~

Monday, September 12, 2011


Hormatilah orang tua,

kasihanilah kanak - kanak,

bersimpatilah kepada binatang,

banyakkanlah memberi maaf kepada isteri,

bertolak ansurlah pada perkara - perkara yang dibenarkan,

merendah dirilah dalam pergaulan,

kerana ini semua di antara sifat - sifat orang mukmin.

uitm -------------> pb


Thursday, September 8, 2011


Always put yourself in the others shoes,

If you feel that it hurts you,

it probably hurts the person too.
