Saturday, September 29, 2012

inside us

Dalam diri kita, ada diri ibu dan ayah kita


Thursday, September 20, 2012


Whatever we are doing right now is a part of the journey
If you feel low, let the feel pass by then face the problem
and find the best way within our best ability to overcome the challenge
sometimes, you face things, situations
until the mind cannot even ingest anything
..but did you know..
there is this one thing that truly can overcome all the problems 
and that is what we call
Put Trust to Allah The Most Gracious and Most Merciful 
 Keimanan bahawa Allah akan bersamanya, 
keimanan bahawa Allah akan membantunya

Put Allah first in your life
and you will be happy
and pray that Allah will help us 
decide what is the best for you me and us


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tell Allah

If you feel happy, tell Him
If you feel sad, tell Him
If you feel stress, tell Him
If you feel far from Him, tell Him

Best Moments to tell Him?
Is in your Sujood

Allah will always listen, 
Even if everyone else won't, remember.


Doa sebelum belajar

Ya Allah, bukakanlah ke atas kami hikmatMu (ilmuMu), 
dan limpahkanlah ke atas kami khazanah rahmatMu.

Ya Allah, terangkan kami dengan ilmu, 
mudahkanlah kami memahaminya 
dan keluarkan serta jauhkanlah kami
 dari kegelapan dan putus asa.

Ya Allah, ingatkanlah di kala kami lupa. 
Berilah kepandaian, kefahaman di kala kami kejahilan,
 dengan rahmatMu yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyanyang.

Ya Allah, tambahkanlah aku dengan ilmu 
dan rezikanlah aku dengan kefahaman.

Ya Allah lapangkanlah dadaku, 
mudahkanlah urusanku, 
lepaskanlah kekakuan lidahku agar mereka mengerti tutur kataku.

semoga kita semua sama sama memperoleh 
kejayaan yang diberkati Allah
kini, kelak dan sentiasa


Monday, September 10, 2012

oh pesan pada diri

Allah tidak membebani 
seseorang melainkan 
sesuai dengan kesanggupannya
al - Baqarah: 286

oh ingat wahai diri saya anda kita & semua


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Trust Him

In the Name of Allah,
The Most Gracious & Most Merciful
Allah does not create a lock
without a key and yet
Allah doesn't gives you me us problems
without its solutions
Have Faith & Trust Him



We plan and we plan,
but in the end Allah is the final Planner.
You could think everything is working out as planned,
but you never know what will happen next
Allah could have something completely different
planned for you
But know in the end that whatever happens,
its whats the best for you us and all.
